In going through
life we all have to face difficulties, challenges and misfortune.
Human experience of this fact of life is obviously what brought
about the saying, 'life is not a bed of roses', and the
expression, 'the ups and downs of life'. It will therefore be
immensely helpful for one to acquire knowledge of how to navigate
through life successfully in spite of the hazards, troubles and
obstacles that strew the path of every single one of us. If you
imbibe the knowledge contained in the spiritual science text you
will be able to face life with supreme confidence. Such boundless
confidence as comes from knowing that whatever may lie ahead, your
happiness, good health and success are absolutely assured.
Freedom from fear, doubt, anxiety and worry, complete happiness
and success; these are available to you. All you need to do is get
a copy of this book and internalize the facts, information and
principles contained in it.
To order a copy of the Spiritual Science text, send $7.50 to Ejike
Emmanuel Emezie through Western Union Money Transfer. This amount
includes the cost of packaging and postage by registered mail.
Notify us of the payment by e-mail. The e-mail should give full
details of the payment and provide your mailing address to which
the book should be sent. Allow 3 to 4 weeks for delivery.
Spiritual Science lectures will be available in audio/video
cassettes and CDs in the near future. In due course, a magazine
will be published which will view personal, societal and
international affairs in the light of the wisdom and insight
gained through study and practice of Spiritual Science.