Spiritual Science is knowledge about God and the spiritual aspect of
life which has been obtained by scientific research. It provides facts
and information on the purpose and nature of human life.
‘Why seek enlightenment on the purpose and nature of human life?’ you
may ask.
Here is why. Makers of such products as machines and appliances
usually sell them with accompanying manuals. The manual serves to
provide the user with information on the function of the product and
how to use it. The user who acquaints himself with this information
will be able to use such equipment or appliance in the proper way and
by so doing he will get the most benefit from owning it.
The human being is a remarkable machine. We have the capacity to do
work requiring intelligence. All the things around us that we have
created i.e. those things we have invented, built, fashioned or
produced attest to our capacity for creative work. Although we arrive
this world without an accompanying manual, we nevertheless need
information on the purpose and nature of our life. As is the case with
equipments and appliances, such information will enable us live life
the right way and by so doing we will get the most benefit out of it.
Getting the most benefit out of life means enjoying complete happiness
and success.
Now the question arises, 'Is there really a right way to live life or
is the individual free to use his life as he deems fit or live in
accordance with the norms and values of society?'
The truth of the matter is this. There is indeed a right way to live
life. This is evident from the fact that human beings have conscience
by which they are aware of the choice they ought to make between right
and wrong. Unless we live the right way we obviously cannot hope to
experience the full joy of living.
This most
beneficial and interesting new subject came about through the
intellectual work and research efforts of Ejike Emmanuel Emezie, a
Nigerian from Imo State. He had his secondary education at St.
Grammer School,
Nkwerre in his home State. He then proceeded to the
of Ife (now Obafemi Awolowo University) where he obtained a
Bachelor’s degree in Engineering Physics.
After a seven
year stint in private business he spent six years studying and
investigating the spiritual aspect of life and seeking answers to
the question of the nature and purpose of human existence. His
intellectual and research efforts culminated in the writing of the
book entitled Spiritual Science. |
This organization aims at advancing the moral development and
spiritual enlightenment of humankind through the propagation of
Spiritual Science. The high levels of moral development and
spiritual enlightenment which the organization is advocating will
bring about the following benefits to the world: -
- Human beings will be able to live the right way and by so doing
they will enjoy complete happiness and success in life. It stands
to reason that when we do something right, we produce the right
- Unlike religious teachings and beliefs, science knows no
boundaries. It is universally accepted. When, in due course,
Spiritual Science gains general acceptance, friction, hostility
and conflict due to religious differences will be eliminated.
Consequently, the world will experience greater peace, unity and
more progress. This applies especially to less developed societies
where religious differences have led to discord, chaos and
destruction of lives and property.
- Society will be a much better place to live in when it is
populated by quality human beings who live life on a high moral